Saturday, October 18, 2008

The interview with Top

An interview with Top on holiday

Top would like to travel in Austraria.he want to go the Austraria because he want to see his host family with his mon.In Austraria there is many traveling place such as the beach in some island the water is very clean.He think go aborad is very important for young people because it very help themselves when there no parent.He think that when we go aborad we must know to know the custom and the culture of the country because there is different cultuer from our country and they country like something in our country we look it right some of them the other country look wrong.He think that the tourism that destroy the environment is very bad because if they damange the environment we will never see that beautiful national interested place.

First of all,I was setting in the living room and then the thunder struck a pylon.After this the chaos is coming.Next, we see the pixa-like table lamp light up.Then the every electrical applance becomes alive.And then they head somewhere outside the house.Next, at the kerb of the street waiting for something.Finally a car emerges and surrounded by the electrical applances.That is an ELECTRICAL CAR!!!
The End!!!

An interview with "Rit" on holidays.

Rit would like to go traveling around than staying in one place. He think it is normal to discover the custom s and habits of a country that he is visiting. In his opinion, the tourism can damage the environment during their holidays. He doesn't want to go on holiday with someone famous. He also think It's a little bit important for young people to go abroad. If he could go on holiday anywhere in the world , he will go to Berlin, Germany.

Ant and Now

an interview with Now on holidays
Now prefers travelling around more than staying in one place because there are more places to visit, it is more exciting. She thinks it is important to discover the customs and habits of a country she is visiting but just have fun is more impotant. Her opinion about tourism is they can damage the environment a lot because some of tourism might not responsible enough to keep the place beautiful. She would go on holiday with a guide even though he is not a famous person but he can tell interesting information for travelling. She said it is not important for young people to go abroad but it's good to go if they have chances. She chooses to go to New Zealand on holiday if she could, she went there last year and she loves it, she wants to go there again!

An interview with May on holidays
Travelling around is more exciting to her than staying in one place. It's important to her to discover the customs and habits of a country she is visiting. Tourism can damage the environment, in her thought. If she could travel with someone famous, she would go with Cameron Diaz. Going abroad for young people is not important, not necessary. If she could go anywhere in the world, she would go to Italy.


An interview with 'ANT' on holidays

Ant prefer holiday where travel around not just stay in one place and if she can go anywhere in the world she want to go to England. It is important for her to discover the customs and habits of a country she are visiting because she want to know a country and go sightseeing. It will be more fun if you know the information. She think that tourism can damage the environment. She want to travel with Hanna Montana if she can! She doesn't think that it's important for young peolple to go abroad.

Pan and Non

An interview with Non on holidays
Non likes to stay in one place when he travel. He loves and wants to go to Monaco. Monaco is the best place he has ever visited. There are lots of beautiful things and expensive stuffs. If it's possible he wants to travel with Witwisit Hiranwongkun who he likes. He thinks it is not important to discover the customs and habits of a country he is visiting because he thinks that he's only a visitor, visiting that country for a moment. He thinks tourism make damages to the environment.
About studying aboard for young people, he has the opinion that its good for more experiences and young people will get good language.

An interview with Pan on holidays
Pan likes to stay in one place when he travel. He loves and wants to go to Japan and England. He thinks that England and Japan have good weather and cold. He doesn't want to go with any famous person! He thinks it is quite important to discover the customs and habits of a country he is visiting because he thinks that he might have a better trip if he knows about that country first. He thinks tourism make damages to the environment. He thinks that it is not really important for young people to go abroad, because they have to study first.

An interview with "Nut" on holidays

Nut prefer travelling around than staying in one place, and he has no idea how important to find out the customs and habits of the place he's visiting. He think tourism can damage the environment sometime. He don't prefer going on holidays with someone famous. He also think that it's the most inportant for young people to go abroad. If he could go on holidays anywhere in the world, he still be in Thailand.