Friday, November 28, 2008

The Dentist MayNow

I wouldn’t like to go this dentist for treatment because he is sadistic but I am not a masochist. He loves causing pain but I don't want to be in pain! He does the horrible extraction, he doesn't inject an anaesthetic for the patient. He is so brutal. I think if I were one of his patients, I would die because of pain. That's why I don't like this dentist. Moreover, I am scared of him. I like my dentist to be sympathetic, caring and humane because he will care about my feeling and won't hurt my mouth!(and won't kill me!)


Ant The Dentist

I wouldn't like to go this dentist for treatment because he is very cruel. He is inhumane, maladjusted and sadistic. He is brutal and merciless too - he likes his patients to be in pain even children. I'm sure that every patient who had come to have a treatment with him is not going to come to see him again or they may be plan to kill him. I don't understand that why he could still do this work! Why the police didn't catch him or send him to see a psychologist. I would let my teeth to be horrible instead of having treatment with him because he is the worst dentist that I have ever seen and if my parents know, they will not let me go too. So I think that I'm quite lucky girl - I have good dentists in my country, they are kind, gentle. Anyway I will keep taking a best care for my teeth.

TOP The Dentist

The Dentist

I wouldn’t to go this dentist for treatment because i really don't like the dentist whenever you go to the dentist you will get a pain back home.Most of the dentist they always said " You will feel no pain " but it always hurt really hurt!!.So i think if you not have a problem with your teeth "Don't go to the dentist".They doesn't care about you feeling.

So if it not necessary don't go to the dentist!!!


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The Dentist [Pete & Pan]

I wouldn’t like to go this dentist for
treatment because he was extremely suck, holy shit, crap, rude,
hearthless and whatever. He was so brutal, violent, sadistic, etc. However, if I
really need to go to see the dentist, I would choose the one that have good
qualify, kind, generous, gentle, mercyful, benevolent, humble, etc.


The Dentist

I wouldn't like to go to this dentist for treatment because he is very brutal and inhumane. He treatened his patients without caring anything happen to them. When they say they're not ready , he didn't care. He just do his job.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


First of all the light forked ,the table lamp turned on and the door opened.And then, the fan swilled,the table lamp turned to the window and the mixer was unplugged.All the electric machines were unplugged.After this,all the electric machines were seen to be alive and all of them came out of the garage to the kerb of the road.Later, the electric car drove on the road and all electric machine looked it.Finally,all electric machines and the electric car were on the road.

The End^O^

Ant and Now electric car

First of all, we see the reading lamp slowly switches on and the door is opened, there is something behind it. Next, the fan propells air around the room and the lamp swings. The mixer starts working, it moves and is unplugged, then it continues moving until it falls to the floor. And then there are lots of household appliances run after the mixer. The fan flies and the lamp jumps to join the line of appliances. They march to see something at the road, they stand on the kerb.Following this , the camera starts to focus on something , there is a pair of car headlights shines across the road and reflects on the monitor. Henceforth the car drives passed the household appliances, and it stops. Finally, all of the appliances walk to look closely at the electric car.

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First of all, we see the lightening flash and then the table lamp turned on and the door opened. After this, the fan swivelled and the table lamp turned to the window. The mixer unplugged itself and jumped down from the table. Following this, all of the appliances were moving through the door. Next, all of them got out of the house. Henceforth, they were waiting for an electric car. Finally, an electric car came and they moved closer to the car.


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First of all, we see a thunder clap and a fork of very bright lightening, and then the table lamp was shining. After this, the door is ajar and the fan swivelled and the lamp swung. Next, the the mixer was unplugged and jumped down to the floor. Following this, all of the electrical household appliances were unplugged and moved outside the house. And then, a strange stupid electric car arrived from nowhere.Finally, all electrical household appliances then went around that car.

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First of all, we see outsdie with dark sky and some lighting. Then, we see the table lamp started to function by itself. Next, we see more household appliances start working by themselves too and then they unplugged themselves but they didn't stop functioning. After that, we see lots of electrical home appliances ruuning out of houses and lined up at the kerb of the road. Finally, we see an electric car drive in while all of the aplliacnes keep looking at it until it stop.