Friday, March 6, 2009

school's out (Now)

When school’s out, I’m going to go to Perth, Australia for a summer course. It's going to be a really exciting trip and made my holiday more interesting than last year which I have to prepare for a test. Another thing I am going to do is to tidy my room. Preparing for my final exam, I have messed my room. A lot of worksheet, handout and books are on the floor which is not the place where they should be. I think it will take about one week to get my room tidy like before. The rest of time before I go to Australia, I may watch television or read some comic books to make myself relax. And the last thing I will do is revision my lesson after I come back and get ready for the next semester. But if the school's out forever, I might not come back to thailand again especially in summer because the weather would be really hot!!!

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Very good Now...I'm sure you will come back to Thailand. You are very lucky going to Perth, it will MAKE your holiday a lot more interesting.