Saturday, June 21, 2008



Swap my mobile phone for a million pounds? No way!!!!!!

I wouldn't swap my mobile phone for a million pounds because I don't need any other mobile phone. This mobile phone I'm using is the coolest and the best ever!! ( even though the memory is too small.. I still love it!!) It's my life, it's my everything!! If I'm without it, I could rather die!! Try to think if one day, your mobile died or out of battery (or whatever), what will you do??!!?! Let's see, how can mobile phones do. Well.. we could listen to the radio, listen to music, take photos, talk to friends or family, play on the internet (GPRS), etc. You can't live without your phone, believe me!! Or if you don't believe me.. why don't you just switch your mobile off and see how's it going to be??

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm Just A Thai Kid

In my house,

My parents are very strict about going outside with friends. Even

Just a minute they're so worried about me. They don't

Understand me at all. I want to

Spend my

Time without staying in

A room, with nothing except a bed and books :((.

That it's so boring for me. I

Hate staying

Alone, quietly.

I'm bored and I can't fall asleep. They

Keep watching me like

I'm just a nerdy kid. Please,

Don't keep me inside a small square room. I need freedom!!!


Age: 15

Grade: 10

Like: chocolate, mathematics

Hobby: computergames, piano, comic books

School: Triam Udom Suksa

Sports: tennis, badminton, swimming, Yudo, Taekwando, Thaiboxing, Aikido, Sword fighting

Hate: Accounting


Mobile Phone activity

I wouldn't swap my mobile phone for a million pounds because I really love my mobile phone! It is part of my life. If I dodn't have my mobile phone, I would be mad. this is because I have to call my friends almost all the time. My mobile phone also have many functions, such as camera, games, internet, etc. When I get bored, I can play chess on my mobile phone! I can also listen to my favourite songs by using mobile phone. I can also watch TV through my mobile phone. My 30,000 baht telephone can do many things that wouldn't get me bored!