Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mae & Mimp

Hi, we're Mae & Mimp. We're 16 & 13 years old. Mimp is from Kasetsart University Laboratory school [Chonburi Campus]. Mae is from Saipanya School. We like to listen to all kind of music, go shopping, read books and play on the internet. Mimp likes to watch Transformmers and ID4. Mae likes to watch The sound of music. We like to wear jeans & T-shirts. Mae likes to work about books, but Mimp likes to work about music and Languages. If we didn't have come to the British Council, maybe we would watch TV and read books.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

You are Mae and Mimp.
You like to wear jeans & T-shirts.
You like to listen to all kind of music, go shopping, read books and play on the internet.
Mimp like to watches Transformmers and ID4.
Mae likes to work about books.
Yes, you are.
If you didn't have come to the British Council, maybe we would watch TV and read books.

Moo Bank